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Toddler Sign Language

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

Toddler sign language is a communication method that involves teaching infants and toddlers simple signs to express their needs and wants before they can speak verbally. It can be particularly beneficial for late talkers, who may experience delays in their language development; however, you can start modeling signs as early as 6 months old!!

By introducing sign language to late talkers, parents can provide them with an alternative means of communication, reducing frustration and promoting language acquisition. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Early communication: Toddler sign language allows children to communicate their needs and desires before they are able to talk . This can help reduce tantrums and frustration, as children can express themselves more effectively.

2. Vocabulary development: Introducing signs for common words and concepts can help expand a child's vocabulary. By associating signs with spoken words, parents can reinforce language learning and help late talkers make connections between signs and their corresponding meanings.

3. Transition to verbal communication: Toddler sign language is not meant to replace verbal communication but rather to complement it. As late talkers become more comfortable with sign language, they will gradually transition to using spoken words, supported by their growing vocabulary and comprehension skills.

A few of my favorite signs to teach babies and toddler are "more", "all done", "help" and "open". These signs can all be used in a variety of situations including while playing, during a meal, and at bedtime.

Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Patience, consistency, and individualized approaches are key when using toddler sign language to support language development for late talkers.

If you are concerned about your child's speech and language development, please reach out for a FREE phone consultation!


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